News & Events


RECYCLED-IN-EU? Enabling a strong recycling ecosystem for electromobility.

What are the existing legislative levers to enable a recycling value chain of EVs in Europe?...

Clean or Dirty? What makes a good deal for European Transports Industries?

Participants of this high-level public event will debate what this Deal should include to support competitive European transport industries...

[Chairs’ edito] EVs & batteries: for 2025 we need clear policy objectives maintained with more action to build local industries.

The Green Deal offers Europe the framework to lead in clean mobility. However, realising its full potential requires regulatory certainty, industrial...

[Open letter] Accelerating the electrification of fleets as soon as possible is key to cut transport emissions, increase demand and affordability of electric vehicles

Our open letter to President von der Leyen, Commissioners Séjourné, Tsitsikostas and Hoekstra...

Join us at the 4th EnerGreenDeal Conference

The Platform will be hosting a side session titled "Electromobility: How to strengthen Europe’s Industry, Energy Security, and Consumer Demand?"...

[Videos] Maintaining 2035 CO2 reductions objectives for Europe’s industries beyond automotive.

Three experts from energy, public transport, and clean tech industries highlight the importance of preserving CO2 Standards goals for their own...

Our session at ENLIT Europe: Smooth integration of EVs into the grid

Our two panels will debate the need for anticipatory investments in power grid, and for smartening the system with relevant standards and market rules...

[Chair’s edito] Electrifying the “rentrée”

While we still enjoy summer weather, metaphorical clouds have gathered in the electromobility sky...

[Webinar] A Comprehensive Roadmap for V2X Integration in Europe

Trilogy for the Grid | Episode one: How EU public policies can a comprehensive Roadmap for V2X Integration in Europe...

[Webinar] Solutions for grid-friendly roll-out of electric heavy duty vehicles

Trilogy for the Grid | Episode two: How EU public policies can support grid-friendly roll-out of electric heavy duty vehicles...

[Webinar] Solutions for a smooth integration of emobility into the grid

Trilogy for the Grid | Episode one: How EU public policies can support the seamlessly blend electric vehicles into Europe's energy system...

Urgent Statement: Reversing the 2035 zero emission cars goal will harm EU industry

Attracting investment to create the net-zero industrial ecosystem for zero-emission mobility is not possible without a consistent, clear regulatory...

[Video] Charles Esser highlights importance of coordination and cooperation between grid stakeholders.

... and invites you to join the debate at the EUSEW 2024 !...

Electromobility Stakeholders’ Manifesto Compilation for 2024-2029

A unique document for policy-makers to tackle challenges ahead of us and make electric mobility transition a success for people, climate and...

Open Letter to Prof. Draghi and EU Heads of States on EU Competitiveness Strategy

The open letter which underscores the critical importance of integrating sustainability with industrial competitiveness, particularly within the...

EUSEW: Net-zero energy solutions for competitive and low-carbon transport industries

Four unique interviews with leading European sustainable transport industries...

[Video] Charging Infrastructures: A perspective on 2024 by Jayson Dong

Jayson Dong, chair of the WG Infrastructures of the Platform for Electromobility, outlines the upcoming opportunities and challenges entailed by the...

[Conference] Greening Europe’s Corporate Fleets

A debate around the European Commission's public consultation: how smart EU legislation can accelerate the electrification of company cars...

Our recent editor “2024-2029: Five years to deliver the Green Deal’s mobility promises”

The Green Deal, via its green tech goals and accelerated electrification across all modes, has the potential to significantly reduce Europe’s...

[Open Letter] An urgent call for timely publication of the Combined Transport Directive

The members of the Platform for electromobility collectively express their sincere concern regarding the delay in the publication of the Combined...

[Open Letter] EU initiative on fleets – A call for ambitious regulatory action

EU action to accelerate fleet electrification represents a golden opportunity to not only tackle transport emissions, EU’s largest source of...

[Video] Peter Badik (GreenWay) on Electricity Market Design

Peter Badik, CEO of GreenWay, on the importance of the reform of the Electricity Market Design for the development of e-mobility...

#RealisingGreenDeal: the debate

The one conference to discuss transport and mobility priorities for Europe's next five years and turn the Green Deal into action...

Greening Corporate Fleets Initiative: support to the launch of a public consultation

The members of the Platform for electromobility expresses their strong support for the Greening Corporate Fleets Initiative included in the European...

Weights & Dimensions Directive: ACEA, Platform for electromobility and Hydrogen Europe call it a priority in a joint letter

Open letterCalling co-legislators for swift progress on the revision of the Weight and Dimensions Directive To European Commission Executive...

[Video] Matteo Barisione (UNIFE) on Net Zero Industrial Act

Matteo highlights the important to adapt the NZIA to the specificities of the European transport system and its industrial background...

[Video] Giovanni Matranga (ENEL Group) explains the CO2 Standards for HDVs

CO2 Standards for HDVs Explained by Giovanni Matranga, chair of WG Logistics & buses[vc_button button_color="color-dfgh"…...

EUSEW Session: “Upskilling the EU’s industrial workforce to create clean energy systems for electric mobility”

Between 2021-2030, 42% of employees in the energy and mobility sectors will need training to assist Europe’s transition to a zero-emission mobility...

Emilia Valbum (3M) explains the Critical Raw Materials Act

We particularly welcome the Act’s balance between resilience, security of supply and environmental protection as well as the new focus on refining and...

Open letter to German Chancellor Scholz on CO2 Standards for cars and vans

The recent yet indefinite postponement of the vote on the CO2 Standards for cars and vans within the Council of the European Union has brought...

Policy Conference: “How to get Europe ready for electric trucks and buses?”

The Platform for electromobility and MEP Bas Eickhout organise a policy conference to discuss the decarbonisation of trucks and buses in the context...

CO2 Standards for HDVs: Our open letter to Commissioner Breton to boost clean tech industries

Decarbonising freight transport will require reducing its dependency on fossil fuels, shifting a larger share of traffic to more sustainable transport...

The path to 2035 – Our response to Commissioner Breton on CO2 Standards for cars and vans

Our Chair ensures Commissioner Breton about the solution to a fair transition to ZEV...

[Video] Zero-emission cars by 2035: new EU rules explained by MEP Jan Huitema

On Thursday night, Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on revised CO2 emissions reduction targets for new passenger cars and light...

[Video] The Importance of the AFIR with Koen Noyens (EVBOX)

When it comes to charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation or AFIR is one of the most important EU...

“A Contresens” documentary in the European Parliament – Replay

A documentary separating the facts from the fiction about electromobility! Live-streamed debate from the EP on 7th September - 18:00...

[Video] Batteries are well placed to help Europe navigate the ‎current energy crisis

The Platform for electromobility salutes the Czech Presidency’s emphasis on promoting the energy security amid these uncertain ‎times, and want to...

[Video] The need for flexibility services for deployment of electromobility – Brieuc Giard (SmartEN)

Creating succesfull electric mobility solutions is all about tapping in the #grid in smart and professional ways...

[Video] The win-win relationship between EVs and renewable energies with Ivan Komusanac (WindEurope)

We need to electrify our transport sector to cut our reliance on fossil fuels...

[Video] The importance of decarbonising corporate fleets first with Thomas Neumann (AVERE)

Corporate fleets are both a challenger and a great enabler for the decarbonation of transport...

6th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium

Supported by the Platform for electromobility, the purpose of the E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium is to discuss the challenges that...

Press release: New consumer study shows that the EV transition is inevitable

The study, which surveyed 14,000 new car buyers across Europe shows that consumers are ready to move to electric...

Launch event: “Are consumers ready for electric vehicles?”

The study undertaken by Element Energy and the Platform for electromobility is the largest consumer choice study ever conducted in the mobility sector...

Corporate cars: the n°1 leverage to boost EV uptake

The Platform is calling for a mandate on the electrification of corporate cars in Europe - the event will be the opportunity to discuss it with...

Press Release – Platform’s first reactions to the publication of the Fit for 55 package

The Platform for electromobility supports a package that will give the EU the means to achieve the objective of net zero by 2050 and that will support...

Press Release – Preparing the EU automotive industry and its workers for the transition to clean mobility

Publication of the study "Electromobility: a green boost for automotive jobs in Europe?" - BCG...

Op-ed: An integrative electromobility system needs an integrative legislative framework

There isn't a single solution or a magic transport mode, all modes have a specific role to play in this symphonia...

What would an ambitious AFID look like : explained by our WG Chair [Video]

Ahead of the revision of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructures Directive, Claire Vandewalle (UFE) underlines the needs for an ambitious text to...

Fuel-neutral credit trading mechanism : explained by our WG Chair [Video]

Ahead of the revision of the Renewable energy directive, we propose a concrete solution to implement an accounting mechanism for electricity...

Fit-for-55: how to make europe lead on electromobility

Webinar - 25th May 2021 - from 14:00 to 15:30...

Electromobility: a green boost for European automotive jobs?

Webinar - 1st July 2021...

An ambitious AFID consistent with the Green Deal

Event - 07/12/2020 - Online...

Event – How can zero-emission mobility become the motor of European green recovery?

How the transport sector can best exit this crisis while staying on track by delivering the much-needed carbon savings to the sector...

Platform letter to Commission President Van der Leyen

How road vehicle CO2 standards could be a lever to support the automotive sector after the COVID-19 crisis...

Electro-mobility Platform reaction to the European Green Deal

The Electro-mobility platform – representing 37 industrial, urban and environmental stakeholders from across Europe’s e-mobility value chain –...

What will fuel tomorrow’s mobility?

The session will address the issue of e-mobility in Europe in two intertwined panel discussions, one dedicated to the wider European strategic context...

Electro-mobility Platform letter to the upcoming Romanian presidency

Platform for electro-mobility calls on Romanian authorities to prioritise and complete negotiations on the Clean Vehicles Directive before the next...

Event: Leading the e-mobility transition – Time to act

The Clean Mobility Package can provide the regulatory framework to allow for the electrification of the transport sector...

Electromobility Platform letter to the upcoming Austrian presidency

Platform address to the Austrian presidency, outlining key priorities for the transport agenda...

Enough public chargers planned; infrastructure can’t be blamed for the slow uptake of EVs – analysis

Enough public chargers planned; infrastructure can’t be blamed for the slow uptake of EVs – analysis...

Presse Release on the Renewable Energy Directive Recast

Platform reaction to the Renewable Energy Directive Recast following the European Parliament plenary vote...

Press Release on mobility package

Platform reaction to the mobility package: The mobility package is at risk of delivering too little too late...

Press release on EPBD

MEPs can get Europe’s buildings up to speed with electro-mobility by strengthening law, says alliance...

Press release on infrastructure

Major transport and energy groups sound alarm on e-mobility: Europe must accelerate infrastructure plans...

Event – 28 March – EU Parliament

Going forward with electro-mobility...

European Mobility Week

Discover electro-mobility in European cities...

Commission shift to electrified transport on the right track

Commission shift to electrified transport on the right track says Platform for Electro-Mobility...

Press release on EV emission discussion

Electric vehicles’ zero tail-pipe emissions make them the cleanest road vehicles...
Launch Event

Launch Event

Invitation to the Launch Event of the Platform for Electro-Mobility...

Letter – Decarbonise Europe’s transport sector

Electro-mobility is key to decarbonise Europe’s transport sector within the Energy Union...

Platform input Transport White Paper

This paper contains the response of the Platform for the Electrification of Surface Transport to the European Commission consultation on the White...

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