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Stop diverging priorities, stop disrupting investments.

Electromobility as a clear path towards Europe’s clean industrial competitiveness...

E-fuels: a costly Pandora’s box for European drivers

Vehicles & Markets The Platform for Electromobility calls on Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to consider carefully the impact of...

A strong European recycling ecosystem for electromobility

With numerous legislative ‘low-hanging fruits’ up for grabs, the EU can support its local recyclers...

Prioritising energy efficiency in EU’s transport ecosystem

The Platform for Electromobility highlights the critical importance of maximising energy efficiency in achieving the EU’s decarbonisation goals...

Our recommendations to Commissioner for Climate

INDUSTRY - FLEETThe Clean Industrial deal’s success relies on stable legislation on both demand and supply sidesOur recommendations for Wopke…...

Our recommendations to Commissioner for Energy

Ensuring the implementation of the Green Deal and reinforcing the power grid are the two keys for enabling synergies between the clean transport and...

Our recommendations to Commissioner for Transport

Our necessary legislative steps required to decarbonize the European logistic system, addressing both vehicles and infrastructure, for transport modes...

30 investments priorities by 2030 for sustainable mobility

30 investment priorities in seven areas have been identified, in order to respond to three policy imperatives: deploying hard infrastructure...

Support the roll-out of zero-emissions vehicles across all modes

Accelerating the transition to sustainable transport involves electrifying corporate and leasing car fleets, van and truck fleets, and acquiring...

Investing in energy infrastructure to enable the Green Deal

Investment in TSO and DSO infrastructure, energy storage solutions, renewable energy sources, and grid modernization, including smart grid deployment...

Invest skills for competitive, sustainable, European transport industries

Unlocking Europe's decarbonization potential requires mapping training needs, expanding training capacity, and launching awareness campaigns to...

Invest in manufacturing for competitive, sustainable, European transport industries

Efficient processing methods, increased R&D funding for sustainable battery development, support for EV and battery manufacturing, and refurbishment...

Invest in circularity for competitive, sustainable, European transport industries

Investing in recycling, urban mining, second-life batteries, and repairability is key for resource sustainability and circular economy in Europe...

Investing in off-road infrastructures to enable the Green Deal

Investment in electrifying the rail network, establishing multimodal hubs, enhancing public transport, and upgrading harbors' electricity...

Investing in charging infrastructures to enable the Green Deal

Investment in high-power charging infrastructure for HDVs, depot charging infrastructure for HDVs and buses, LDV charging infrastructure, urban...

A Comprehensive Roadmap for V2X Integration in Europe

EVs present both challenges and promising opportunities for the energy system, marking a pivotal moment in the evolution of transportation and energy...

Platform’s statement: PFAS in sustainable e-mobility

In the pursuit of the electrification of the mobility sector for the years to come, it is essential to recognise concerns surrounding certain PFAS use...

Five steps towards a 360° e-mobility industry strategy

Any “Green Deal Industrial Plan” would not be complete without a strong chapter on the electromobilities manufacturing ecosystem...

Our five recommendations to CO2 Standards for trucks and buses trilogue negotiators

Welcomed overall, the text provides a robust and ambitious yet realistic and business-friendly path toward decarbonisation of road transport in Europe...

Our reaction to the revision of the End-of-Life Vehicles Regulation proposal

We express our support to revise the ELVD and to combine it with that of the 3R Type-Approval Directive. As a pivotal legislative tool to enhance the...

Solutions for a smooth integration of e-mobility into the grid

Energy & InfrastructuresSolutions for a smooth integration of e-mobility into the gridFifteen policy recommendations for sustainable governance...

Recommendations for the deployment of sustainable infrastructure of BE HDVs

In this position paper, we identify three areas that require attention and provide policy recommendations to ensure the successful roll out of...

CO2 Standards for HDVs : Our warning against inclusion of Carbon Correction Factor

Platform for electromobility warns against the inclusion of renewable and low-carbon fuels…...

Weights and Dimensions Directive: How to accelerate the uptake of zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles

Despite noble intentions, the Commission includes several provisions which would keep the EU anchored to diesel trucks...

Recommendations to trilogue negotiators on EPBD

EPBD Trilogue Our recommendations to negotiatorsDownload…...

EU Election Manifesto: People at the heart of the e-mobility ecosystem

The wider adoption of electric vehicles and rooftop photovoltaic solutions offer significant opportunity to unleash ‘prosumer potential’ in Europe...

EU Election Manifesto: Investment Plan to Implement the Green Deal

The 2023 Net Zero Industrial Act and the Critical Raw Materials Act needs an accompanying European Net-Zero Infrastructure Investment Plan...

EU Election Manifesto: A Green and Just Industrial Policy

One of the richest ‘urban mines’ available to Europe is the supply of old batteries and other waste materials...

Our statement on the reform of the Electricity Market Design

The Platform for electromobility urges ambitious adoption of European Electricity Market Reform to drive grid-friendly e-mobility...

The reactions from the electric mobility ecosystem on Net Zero Industry Act

The Platform for electromobility welcomes the European Commission’s Net Zero Industrial Act (NZIA) and Temporary Crisis and Transition State aid...

CO2 Standards for trucks and buses: our reaction

Recommendation paper of the Platform on the revision of the HDV CO2…...

Weight & Dimensions Directive: the hidden milestone for e-trucks

Six points to make the Weights & Dimensions Directive better incentivize zero emission trucks and busesDownload PDF here The Heavy Duty Vehicle...

Critical Raw Materials Act: Reaction paper of the Platform for electromobility

Critical Raw Materials Act : Reaction paper of the…...

Strengthening EU’s electromobility ecosystem in the global race.

The investment in manufacturing technologies required to develop the net-zero, clean technologies and renewable energies is urgently needed at...

Where the Critical Raw Material Act should critically act

The Platform for electromobility wishes to highlight the need for the EU’s Critical Raw Materials Act to consider 11 areas...

Ten truths about electric trucks and buses

2023 is a turning point for decaronisation of road transport which represent 2% of the fleet but 25% of CO2 emissions...

EPBD: 3 Pillars to ensure the private charging of EVs

As 90% of all charging takes place at home or in the workplace private charging is key to the growth of electromobility...

EU Year of skills: making the Green Deal works for everyone

The social changes triggered by the Fit for 55 should be tackled with similar levels of ambition by empowering companies, governments and regional...

Critical Raw Materials Act: Our response to the EC’s consultation.

The vital transition away from fossil fuels towards cleaner technologies for transport will drive, depending on the technology, the demand for raw...

Eight steps for an efficient legislation to increase the share of zero-emission vehicles in corporate fleets

The Platform for electromobility warmly welcomes today’s announcement about next year Greening Corporate Fleets Initiative...

Encouraging sustainable materials to supply electro-mobility

With the Sustainable Product Initiative, the European Commission (EC) gave co-legislators the opportunity to reward more sustainable behaviours in...

Bidirectional charging : let’s avoid double taxation for EV owners

Ensuring Fair Taxation for EV Owners Providing Flexibility to the Grid...

Our Contribution for an e-mobility friendly taxonomy

Following the first reporting exercise of 2022 and the Commission's intention to focus on the "usability" of the published Taxonomy delegated acts...

The added-value of electricity for mobility

Platform for electromobility Statement on the AFIR before Vote in TRAN...

Our Position Paper on the revision of the HDV CO2 emission standards

Road freight is responsible for 24% of the EU’s transport emissions. The revision of HDV CO2 standards should align the CO2 targets for the sector...

Statement on EP ITRE Committee on RED ahead of Plenary vote

This RED represents an unmissable opportunity to achieve two strongly related public policy objectives: accelerate the transport sector’s transition...

[Video] Batteries are well placed to help Europe navigate the ‎current energy crisis

The Platform for electromobility salutes the Czech Presidency’s emphasis on promoting the energy security amid these uncertain ‎times, and want to...

Let’s not let 40% of EV batteries go missing!

On how the End-of-Life of Vehicles Directive revision can make the uptake of EVs faster and more sustainable...

EV Charging: how to tap in the grid smartly?

The need for flexibility services for a sustainable deployment of electromobility and how to enhance them in the EU climate package...

Ou response to the consultation on the Transeuropean Network of Transport (TEN-T)

The Platform for electromobility welcomes the EC proposal for a revision of the TEN-T as a necessary instrument to make transport modes more...

Reaction Paper to the new Article 12 “Infrastructure for sustainable mobility” (EPBD)

The Platform for electromobility fully supports the revision of the EPBD presented in December 2021, as it is the main EU legislation for addressing...

Platform general comments for the trilogue negotiation on Battery Regulation

During current trilogue negotiation on the Battery Regulation between institutions, we welcome several changes introduced by the European Parliament...

PV – EV : A powerful duo to make Europe drive clean

The three keys for a join deployment of solar power and electric vehicles...

Platform’s reaction to first Parliament draft opinions on REDIII

The Platform for electromobility sees the recast Renewable Energy Directive (RED) as a unique opportunity to accelerate the transport sector’s...

First feedbacks to the revision of the CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles

The standards are a fundamental tool to advance the zero emission transition...

Adaption Driving Licences to Zero-Emission Mobility

The driving licence has not yet been adapted for the specific requirements of electric vehicles...

The 10 points for success of the new Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR)

The Platform for electromobility supports the AFIR proposal, which is vital for boosting the electrification of transport and providing the right...

New consumer study shows that the EV transition is inevitable

The study, which surveyed 14,000 new car buyers across Europe shows that consumers are ready to move to electric...

Platform’s reaction paper to the proposal for the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive

Our proposal to make electromobility and renewable energy offer a win-win partnership...

Our recommendations on due diligence initiative for a sustainable transition to electric mobility.

The Platform for electromobility advocates for a sustainable mobility approach that protects the environment and human rights...

Our key findings and recommendations to make the European Green Deal an employment success

The Platform for electromobility has facilitated a report undertaken by the Boston Consulting Group - on the impact of the shift to electric vehicles...

Our answer to the Revision of the Combined Transport Directive – Inception Impact Assessment

The uptake of more sustainable transport options will not take place to the desired degree and in the desired time-frame to reach 2030 and 2050 EU...

Mandating zero-emission vehicles in corporate and urban fleets: guidelines for reflection for policy makers

This paper follows-up the latest communication paper with the aim of providing policy makers with information and figures supporting the drafting of...

Platform recommendations on Battery Regulation

The Platform welcomes the proposal and strongly supports the need for modernisation of existing batteries legislation...

Position paper on CO2 standards for cars and vans

The CO2 standards regulation delivers genuine benefits for transport, setting clear signals to both car makers and consumers on the required pace for...

Platform’s proposals to boost zero-emission vehicles in corporate and urban fleets

When fighting against climate change and local pollution, not all vehicles are equal...

Our response to the consultation on the revision of the TEN-T regulation

Download our full response here[vc_column_inner…...

Platform’s reply on the revision of EPBD

The Energy Performance of Building Directive is a key to making electromobility real for all...

Our vision on the future of Eurovignette

Ahead of expected long negotiation on Eurovignette revision, the Platform presents its solutions...

Platform’s feedback to the consultation Batteries – modernizing EU rules

The regulation must ensure harmonisation in the internal market and facilitate an accelerated shift to electrified mobility by engaging all parts of...

Guidance Note on “Recharge and Refuel” Flagship un the Member States recovery plans

This Guidance Paper provides some recommended elements that Member States should prioritise in their recovery plans and that the EU evaluators should...

Platform comments the EU Renewable Energy Directive in light of the EU Green Deal

It is critical that the Renewable Energy Directive’s framework for renewables in transport is revised to accelerate the electrification of the...

An ambitious revision of the AFID consistent with the EU Green Deal

The current AFID was adopted at a time the market for alternative fuels was still an emerging market. Europe must now equip itself with the right...

Our contribution to the revision of CO2 emissions standards

Reaching out a common position on CO2 emissions standards is a major milestone for the electromobility sector...

Platform for Electromobility reaction to the revision of the European Batteries Directive

This legislation will be key to ensuring batteries are both produced in a socially and environmentally sustainable manner, while at the same time...

Input to Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy

The Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy will present the EU Commission’s new vision on mobility and must thus support the further electrification...

Platform response

Public Consultation on the future European Strategy for a Sustainable and Smart Mobility...

European Green Deal and Green Recovery: time to focus on Electromobility

Electrification is the strong basis to relaunch the economy and create future-proof jobs fast...

Platform recommendations on European Battery Package

Batteries will underpin Europe’s efforts to achieve a climate neutral economy and transport electrification...

A sound energy taxation framework for cleaner transport

Platform recommendations for a new taxation framework...

Electro-Mobility Platform comments on the Eurovignette compromise text of 17 April 2019

Reaction to the Council Presidency compromise text of 17 April 2019...

Contribution to the EC strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate-neutral economy by 2050

This paper outlines the Platform’s position for achieving carbon neutrality in Europe by 2050...

Platform reaction to the European Parliament’s vote on Connecting Europe Facility

A budget in line with decarbonisation targets is urgently needed...

Emobility Platform statement on Clean Vehicles Directive

Platform’s reaction to the inter-institutional agreement on the CVD...

EU VAT reform: setting consistent rules for electric bicycles and other LEVs

Implication of the EU VAT reform for electromobility...

Platform reaction to the 2050 decarbonisation strategy

The Long-Term Strategy must drive the electrification of transport...

Clean vehicles directive and the transition to zero emission buses

Platform analysis of the CVD’s potential impact on electric bus deployment...

Electro-mobility Platform recommendations on the EPBD review Guidance Note

Recommendations to the European Commission for its Guidance Note on the implementation of the revised Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD)...

Position paper concerning the inclusion of a life-cycle analysis in the post- 2020 CO2 standards discussion and CVD

Platform recommendations on taking into account life-cycle analysis in the legislation...

Tapping the value of smart charging

Electro-mobility Platform recommendations on the EPBD review Guidance Note and the Electricity Market Design...

Electro-mobility Platform recommendations to the initiative report “Deployment of infrastructure for alternative fuels in the EU: time to act!”

Emobility Platform propositions to accelerate electric charging infrastructure deployment...

E-Mobility Platform recommendations for trialogues on Renewable Energy Directive Recast

Ahead of the inter-institutional negotiations on the RES Directive Recast, the Platform for Electromobility outlines its key recommendations...

Position paper on the clean vehicles directive

Platform recommendations on the clean vehicle directive recast...

How EU Member States roll-out electric-mobility: Electric Charging Infrastructure in 2020 and beyond

Emobility platform analysis of the current and planned future roll-out of EV charging infrastructure...

Platform letter to COREPER I Ambassadors on the recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

This letter outlines the platform’s recommendations relating to electro-mobility infrastructure provisions in Article 8 of the EPBD...

Platform letter to COREPER I ambassadors on the Recast Renewable Energy Directive

This letter outlines Platform recommendations on transport related provisions...

Financing resilient electric recharging infrastructure

An Electro-Mobility Platform recommendations paper...

Second joint statement on road tolling

Reaction to the proposal of 31 May 2017 by the European Commission for a revised 'Eurovignette' Directive (1999/62/EC) on road charging...

Platform for Electro-Mobility reaction to RED II amendments

Platform Electro-Mobility reaction to EU Parliament ENVI and ITRE committee submitted amendments on transport-related provisions within Renewable...

Clean vehicle directive recast: how to make it work

Platform recommendations for the revision of the Clean Vehicles Directive...

Joint statement on Road Tolling

The EU should encourage tolls as a smart taxation system that promote sustainable transport behaviour...

The Energy Union Strategy

A plug-in plan for making Europe the world’s leader in electro-mobility...

Infrastructure deployment in Europe: executive summary

Accelerating Electric Recharging Infrastructure Deployment in Europe - Executive Summary...

Accelerating Electric Recharging Infrastructure Deployment in Europe

Accelerating Electric Recharging Infrastructure Deployment in Europe - Position Paper of the Platform for Electro-Mobility...

Europe needs electro-mobility to decarbonise transport

Europe needs electro-mobility to decarbonise transport...

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