The Platform recommended setting a gradual approach to progressively but eventually reach the objective of 100% of new vehicle purchase in corporate fleets to be fully electrified by 2030. Discover why here.
Discover information and figures supporting the drafting of a mandate on corporate cars electrification.
Agenda and Speakers
Welcome address | Cedric Thoma, WG Chair, Tesla | |
Setting the scene | Michelangelo Aveta, Eurelectric | |
Presentation of the recommendations form the Platform | Saul Lopez, T&E | |
Reaction from European institution Reaction from stakholders |
Dario Dubolino, DG MOVE Richard Knubben, Leaseurope |
Q&A from attendees | Cedric Thoma, WG Chair, Tesla |
Know more about corporate fleets
Company cars[1] are the elephant in the room that leads Europe to reach its new −100% target in 2035. Corporate fleets represent an estimated 63%[2] of new registrations in 2021 and drive on average 2.25 times more kilometres than private cars. The decarbonisation of company cars is a key leverage to reach climate target with reduced political risks. While immediate results are clear for the planet, there are also strong second-hand impacts on democratisation and affordability of EVs for everyone, without making the low-income classes bear the cost of the transition.
The Platform for electromobility organises an event to raise awareness among stakeholders and policy makers on the obvious, but nonetheless overlooked, benefit the electrification of company cars can trigger. To make this necessary step forward and grab this low-hanging fruit, the Platform recommends setting a gradual approach to progressively but eventually reach the objective of 100% of new vehicle purchase in corporate fleets to be fully electrified by 2030. The Platform outlined in recent publication why and how to create this mandate.
The event will showcase best practices from major fleet owners and companies that have committed to electrify their fleets. It will also be the opportunity to hear reactions from institutional stakeholders and on they actually intent to enshrine in law and implement the EU Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy’s announced “actions to boost the uptake of zero-emission vehicles in corporate and urban fleets”.
[1] Any passenger car that is part of a larger fleet within the commercial market channel. Three categories are commonly taken into account : -Short-term rental / Rent-a-car : all registrations made by rental car companies ; -OEMs / dealers / manufacturers : Demo’s, loan cars, one day registration, 0km, registrations made by manufacturers against themselves ; -True fleets : All except the above categories.