EUSEW Session: "Upskilling the EU’s industrial workforce to create clean energy systems for electric mobility"
All about the event and the skills for the transition
Want to know more?
16.30 – Welcoming
Théo Fievet - Coordinator, Platform for electromobility
16:40 – Panel discussion
Eric Feunteun, Ex. Vice-President, Software Republique
Tzeni Varfi, Principal, E.DSO
Patrik Kristanski, Chair of the Slovak Electric Vehicles Associations
Federic Fucci, Policy Officer at EuropeOn
Alex Keynes, Manager at Transport & Environment
17:30 – Discussion with audiance
Between 2021-2030, 42% of employees in the energy and mobility sectors will need training to assist Europe’s transition to a zero-emission mobility ecosystem. How best to achieve this for both workers and employers?
Policy Conference: "How to get Europe ready for electric trucks and buses?"
The Platform for electromobility and MEP Bas Eickhout organise a debate between policy makers and major stakeholders to discuss the decarbonisation of trucks and buses in the context of the CO2 Standards for heavy-duty vehicles. Register not to miss the opportunity to hear everyone’s position at what will be a crucial moment in the legislative process.
At this Platform’s discussion, we will take a closer look at the proposal and what kind of path it paves to decarbonize trucks and buses.
More information on agenda and speakers will be communicated shortly
Date & Time
23th May 2023
European Parliament
+32 4 78 70 05 48
- 15.30 – Welcoming
- David Keating – Moderator
- Bas Eickhout – MEP, Greens/EFA
- Julia Poliscanova – 2023 Platform Vice-Chair, T&E
- 15:45 – Keynote speaker
- Beatriz Yordi – Director DG Clima , European Commission
- 15:55 – Panel on truck transition
- Jennie Cato – Head of Global Public Affairs at Scania
- Philippe de Carne – CEO at Geodis
- Dirk Jan van de Ruiter – Global Logistics Director at Unilever
- Koen Noyens – Head of Public Affairs at Milence
- 16:45 – Panel on bus transition
- Representative of city authority – TBC
- Karsten Wasiluk – Manager e-bus at Daimler Trucks
- Simone Manca - Head of e-Bus – EnelX
- TBD – German Association of Energy and Water Industries
- 17.15 – Closing remarks
- Bas Eickhout – MEP, Greens/EFA
- 17.30 – Networking drinks and appetizers
Our position on CO2 Standards for HDVs
The revision of HDV CO2 standards should align the CO2 targets for the sector with those of the EU’s overall 55% GHG reduction target in 2030 and the climate neutrality target of 2050.
"A Contresens" documentary in the European Parliament - Replay
A documentary separating the facts from the fiction about electromobility!
Live-streamed from the European Parliament on 7th September - 18:00
Zero-emission vehicles has been a huge topic on our agendas recently, and by 2035, these kind of vehicles will be one of our main means of transport. But do we really know what is inside electric cars and how do the supply chains really work?
To help policy makers better understand these questions, the documentary: “A CONTRESENS: electric vehicles, the great intox” (in French with English subtitles) will be proposed to MEPs on 7 September 2022 at 18:00 in the European Parliament.
We are pleased to inform you that the event will be live-streamed for external stakeholders so you can view the documentary and subsequent debate between MEPs and the movie makers Jonas Schneiter and Zelda Chauvet.
The documentary reveals the quest of two citizens in search of truth and coherence regarding zero-emission mobility. To separate the facts from fiction, engineer Marc Muller and journalist Jonas Schneiter set out to investigate what is behind electric vehicles. For two years, they went into the field to verify and/or challenge stereotypes. The findings of this investigation are summarised in the documentary film “A Contresens”.
For any question please contact:
6th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium
– 10 October 2022 – Delft / The Hague, Netherlands
Supported by the Platform for electromobility, the purpose of the E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium is to discuss the challenges that arise with increased power demand due to electric vehicle charging, and how they can be met by coordinating with renewable power production in the electrical system. The selection of topics also highlights the need for integrating the required electric vehicle charging infrastructure with the expansion of the distribution and transmission system.
The Symposium offers a prime opportunity to discuss the significant future impact of electromobility on power system design and operation. It aims to bring together experts on electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, power system operators, and stakeholders of the renewable energy industry as well as power system regulators and universities.
Discover the agenda HERE
Registration HERE
Find more information on the Symposium website.

Launch event: "Are consumers ready for electric vehicles?"
The Platform for electromobility is pleased to organize the first ever presentation of the study ‘Are consumers ready for electric vehicles?’
The study undertaken by Element Energy and the Platform for electromobility is the largest consumer choice study ever conducted in the mobility sector and aimed to understand consumer preferences in the mobility transitions and how these could change in the future. This event will launch the public presentation of the results.
The European mobility transition will not happen without the Europeans. With the Fit for 55 Package for discussion on the table, it is now more crucial than ever to understand whether the transition to electromobility is inevitable or not?
With a special message from Commissioner Didier Reynders
Date & Time
12th January 2020
13:00 - 14:30
Event moderated by Katrina Sichel
Keynote speech
Didier Reynerds, Commissioner
Presentation of study
Celine Cluzel, Element Energy
Panel discussion
Monique Goyens, BEUC
Daniel Mes, Cabinet EVP Timmermans
Amélie Pans, Chair of the Platform for electromobility
Celine Cluzel, Element Energy
Closing Speech
MEP Caroline Nagtegaal
Théo Fievet
+32 4 78 70 05 48
Corporate cars: the n°1 leverage to boost EV uptake
The Platform recommended setting a gradual approach to progressively but eventually reach the objective of 100% of new vehicle purchase in corporate fleets to be fully electrified by 2030. Discover why here.
Discover information and figures supporting the drafting of a mandate on corporate cars electrification.
Agenda and Speakers
Welcome address | Cedric Thoma, WG Chair, Tesla | |
Setting the scene | Michelangelo Aveta, Eurelectric | |
Presentation of the recommendations form the Platform | Saul Lopez, T&E | |
Reaction from European institution
Reaction from stakholders |
Dario Dubolino, DG MOVE
Richard Knubben, Leaseurope |
Q&A from attendees | Cedric Thoma, WG Chair, Tesla |
Know more about corporate fleets
Company cars[1] are the elephant in the room that leads Europe to reach its new −100% target in 2035. Corporate fleets represent an estimated 63%[2] of new registrations in 2021 and drive on average 2.25 times more kilometres than private cars. The decarbonisation of company cars is a key leverage to reach climate target with reduced political risks. While immediate results are clear for the planet, there are also strong second-hand impacts on democratisation and affordability of EVs for everyone, without making the low-income classes bear the cost of the transition.
The Platform for electromobility organises an event to raise awareness among stakeholders and policy makers on the obvious, but nonetheless overlooked, benefit the electrification of company cars can trigger. To make this necessary step forward and grab this low-hanging fruit, the Platform recommends setting a gradual approach to progressively but eventually reach the objective of 100% of new vehicle purchase in corporate fleets to be fully electrified by 2030. The Platform outlined in recent publication why and how to create this mandate.
The event will showcase best practices from major fleet owners and companies that have committed to electrify their fleets. It will also be the opportunity to hear reactions from institutional stakeholders and on they actually intent to enshrine in law and implement the EU Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy’s announced “actions to boost the uptake of zero-emission vehicles in corporate and urban fleets”.
[1] Any passenger car that is part of a larger fleet within the commercial market channel. Three categories are commonly taken into account : -Short-term rental / Rent-a-car : all registrations made by rental car companies ; -OEMs / dealers / manufacturers : Demo’s, loan cars, one day registration, 0km, registrations made by manufacturers against themselves ; -True fleets : All except the above categories.
Fit-for-55: how to make europe lead on electromobility
The Commission is due to present its “Fit for 55 package” — aimed at achieving a 55 percent emissions reduction by 2030 — in June. The event will launch the political debate, present and bring together various priorities on each of the main files related to electro-mobility by industrial stakeholders.
Keynotes speeches
Julia Poliscanova, T&E
Daniel Mes, Member of Cabinet of EVP Frans Timmermans
Q&A – with keynote speakers
Self-challenging Panel discussion between sectorial stakeholders*
Suppliers- Emilia Valbum, 3M
– Marie-France Van der Valk, Renault
– Jos Dings, Tesla
– Arne Richters, Allego
– Nicolas Erb, Alstom
Giovanni Coppola, ENEL X
Views of the demand side – Sandra Roling, EV100
*Representatives from the five key industries of electromobility will challenge each-other in an innovative webinar format based on questions sent ahead of the event by attendees.
Electromobility: a green boost for European automotive jobs?

First-ever beforehand presentation of Study on the impact of the shift to electromobility on automotive employment in Europe
The automotive sector is a major employer facing the largest technological transition it has ever known. The automotive industry and its direct supplier represent today more than 6 million European jobs and over 18 million cars. By 2030, at least 30 millions of them will be operating without traditional fuels on European roads. This ambition by the European Union will lead to an unprecedented shift for the automotive industry which has to transform their production from combustions cars to electric vehicles, as well as a high impact on charging infrastructure needs. When Europe will turn to electromobility, what is the impact on the affected jobs within these sectors?
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG), along with the Platform for electromobility, will be present beforehand the result and findings of their recent study on the impact of the shift towards electromobility for the European jobs in the industry. The study covers affected industries from OEM to Tier’s and infrastructure at a European level. The study shows a major shift within the industry. Countries and regions that will be best prepared to capitalize on emerging opportunities by embracing the shift -invest in the new technologies, create a favorable policy environment, invest in re-skilling workers, etc- will have a much higher chance to do so. Those who hold on to the past will be left with an obsolete industry, decreased demand, and face serious unemployment challenges.
Welcome Address – Arne Richters, Chair of the Platform for electromobility
Presentation of the results of the Study and reaction from the European Commission
– Daniel Kuepper & Kristian Kuhlmann, BCG
– Frank Siebern-Thomas, Acting Head of the Unit “Fair, Green, and Digital Transitions” DG EMPL
Panel discussion: Capitalize on emerging opportunities
– Marie-France Van der Valk, Renault
– Julie Beaufils, EuropeOn
– Alex Keynes, T&E
– Representative from Trade Union (TBD)
Closing Remarks – Nicolás Gonzales-Casares, MEP (S&D)
What framework for the development of a competitive and sustainable European EV battery industry?
09:30 – 09:40 Welcome Address
With Ville Niinistö Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy at European Parliament
09:40 – 10:20 Panel discussion (Part 1): Production and Competitiveness – Battery Production
With Jos Dings, Director European Policy and Business Development, Tesla
and Emma Weisner, Public Affairs Manager at Northvolt
and Alex Keynes, Clean Vehicles Manager, Transport & Environment
and Patrick de Metz, Corporate Government and Environmental Affairs Director, SAFT
and Jytte Guteland, member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety at European Parliament
10:20 – 11:00 Panel discussion (Part 2): Recycling & 2nd life: complementarity in the revision of the Battery Directive
With Jean Denis Curt, Recycling & Circular Economy Unit Manager , Renault-Nissan
and Francesco Gattiglio, Director EU Affairs & Policy, EUROBAT
and Claude Chanson, Corporate General Manager, Recharge
and Rita Tedesco, Climate & Energy Programme Manager, ECOS
and Maria Spyraki, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy at European Parliament
11:00 -11:10 Closing speech
By Claudia Gamon, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy at European Parliament
-> With the Event moderator
Philippe Vangeel, Secretary General, AVERE -– The European Association of Electromobility