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the deployment of charging infrastructure in France
The French government set ambitious objectives for the deployment of charging stations to deploy 100,000 charging points (CPs) by the end of 2021 and to equip all service areas on the highways with fast charging stations by 2023.
To know where to go, we need to understand where we are. This is why, UFE has launched two mapping tools, updated every 3 months, that aim to follow the state of deployment of the public CPs in France.
- Mapping 1 reflects the deployment of publicly accessible charging infrastructure in the French regions and departments since September 2020.
- Mapping 2 shows the (ultra-) fast CPs on the French conceded highway network since March 2021.
Mapping 1 indicates the number of EVs available for 1 CP per region and department, with reference to the ratio of 1 CP per 10 EVs set by the current Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (2014/94/EU). Mapping 2 assesses the equipment rate of the service stations in at least 50-kVA CPs for all motorways operated under a concession.
Where does France stand at the end of September?
France has acquired around 46,300 CPs and 660,000 electric vehicles in circulation since 2010. Over the past year of monitoring the CPs’ deployment in regions and departments, the number of CPs has increased by 42%, while the EV fleet has grown by 78%. Even if the number of CPs keeps increasing gradually every 3 months, the threshold of 1 per 10 has been exceeded in all regions except Occitanie.
As for CPs on the highway network, (ultra-) fast charging has increased by 9% in France since June 2021 or by 42% in 6 months. 55% of the highways were equipped with at least one fast CP equal to or greater than the 50kVA.
UFE’s mappings show that, while the country is on the right track, more efforts are needed to reach the objectives set by the government for the deployment of public CPs in regions and departments. In this respect, the new AFIR could give France the final boost it needs with the right targets.
[1] AAA Data’s (electric vehicles) and Gireve’s (charging points) figures for UFE