Catalogue of members' projects
Discover Platform members' innovative projects
The electromobility ecosystem is yet to be created between sectors that did not need to cooperate in the traditional mobility system and with fast changing technologies. Click here on the projects that are shaping the mobility of tomorrow.
Paris - Versailles - Tallin - Amsterdam - Turin - Zaragoza
Jan. 2020 / Dec. 2023
Renault Group - AVERE France - EVBox
Atos - Ayto Zaragoza - Bitbrain - BURSA - COLAS - Paris - Citta di Torino - Eesti Energia - ELES - ENEDIS - Eurovia - Vedecom - Links - FPT - Circe - Greenflux - IDNEO - TRIA - IFFSTAR - IREN - PitPoint - Politecnico di Torino - PrimaElectro - MRA - Stelllantis - QiEurope - Stadtwerke Norderney - University Ljubljana - WeDriveSolar - Qi Arrow
Main questions
INCIT-EV project aims to demonstrate an innovative set of charging infrastructures, technologies and its associated business models, ready to improve the EV users experience.
Main findings
Goal 1: To deepen the knowledge about users’ expectations and concerns regarding EV adoption and charging infrastructure
Goal 2: To design a set of innovative and interoperable charging solutions in urban, peri-urban and extra-urban areas following the users’ expectations and looking for their seamless integration in the existing infrastructures (transport, energy grids, ICT and civil ones)
Goal 3: To develop a Platform integrating a Decision Support System for mobility planners and a set of Applications to improve the EV user charging and driving experience.
Goal 4: To carry out a full demonstration campaign reaching TRL 8 at five demonstration environments involving seven use cases, and validate the INCIT-EV Platform at two follower locations.
Goal 5: To promote the investment in charging infrastructure through attractive business models together with recommendations to solve regulatory and standarisation bottlenecks.
Goal 6: To engage mobility planners in new charging infrastructures adapted to the users’ expectations, while promoting these solutions among the users, through communication and dissemination campaigns.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 875683. Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for any error or omissions lies with the editor. The content does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Commission. The European Commission is also not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein
eCharge4Drivers is working on more convenient charging options for you to go electric!
Barcelona - Grenoble Alpes - Berlin - Luxembourg - Zellik - Bari
2020 - 2024
POLIS - Volvo Cars
ICCS - ABB - ABEE - BMW Group - BFS - Bosch - B:SM - liten cea tech - Centro Ricerche Fiat - ERTICO - Grenoble Alpes Métropole - Hubject - ICOOR - Applus IDIADA - mosaic factor - Nexxtlab - Silence - Politcanico di Bari - Powerdale - evway - OTS - SMATRIC - Swobbee - Universita di Pisa - University of Sussex - Verbund - VUB - ZORLU Enerji
Main questions
eCharge4Drivers works to improve the Electric-Vehicle charging experience in urban areas and on interurban corridors, making it more convenient for users to go green! The project will demonstrate additional convenient charging options within cities, a mobile charging service, charge points at lamp posts, networks of battery swapping stations for Light Electric Vehicles and a transportable charging station service to cover temporary needs.
Main findings
eCharge4Drivers provides:
eCharge4Drivers is co-funded by the EU under the H2020 Research and Innovation Programme (grant agreement No 875131). The content of this website reflects solely the views of its authors. The European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. The eCharge4Drivers consortium members shall have no liability for damages of any kind that may result from the use of these materials.
ESCALATE brings together a highly diverse and committed consortium focused on escalating zero-emission HDVs and logistic intelligence. The goal? To power the European Union’s net-zero future!
The consortium pays special attention to selecting the routes of 5 pilots from / close connection to the TEN-T road network on which charging and refuelling stations are and will be available.
January 2023 - July 2025
Ford - POLIS
FEV Europe, FEV France, DLR, MBT, INEGI, RWTH, BMC, VTT, AUTH, ENGIE, CEA, FEV TR, AI4SEC, BRING, BLRD, KEM, VIV, Hydrogen Europe, ERG, PBX, Primafrio, RSTER, TUBITAK, BSA, SISU, VAL, ORTEM, DHL, DIN, TRJ, RHM, Tefken, Coventry University, Surrey University, ELECT, AEM,
Main questions
ESCALATE project aims to demonstrate high-efficiency powertrains for long-haul applications that will provide a range of 800 km without refueling/recharging and cover at least 500 km average daily operation in real conditions.
Main findings
The project is built on novel concepts around three main innovation areas:
Next E-Truck
NextETRUCK is a 3-year Horizon Europe project that develops ZEV concepts tailored for regional medium freight haulage.
Istanbul - Utrecht - Barcelona
1 July 2022 until 31 December 2025
Ertico - AVL - datik - Panion - Jema - Ford Otosan - Iriza - Tevvia - TNO - VUB - tecnalia - cidetec - AIT - Cenex
Main questions
NextETRUCK provides a sustainable solution to bring zero-emission electric medium freight haulage, playing a pioneering role in the decarbonisation of vehicle fleets and accelerating sustainable market replenishment.
Main findings
NextETRUCK seeks to
massive deployment of electric vehicles
NextETRUCK has received funding from the European Union Horizon Innovation Actions programme under grant agreement No 101056740. The UK participants in this project are co-funded by the UK.
Looking for a Europe where electric vehicle charging is widespread, efficient and works for users?
Murcia - Barcelona - Florence - Rome - Budapest - Turku
February 2020 – January 2024
Eurocities - IBV - AMB - Budapest - BKK - Gewobag - VMZ - IKEM - mobilita Roma - FIT Moving Innovation - ENEA - DSI - Enel X Way - IPT - Turku ABO - Turku Energia - TVT - VASO Qwello - Comune de Firenze - Ayuntemiento de Murcia - UNE - Cities Forum - ETRA I+D
Main questions
Industry powered, city driven and user-centric, USER-CHI will co-create and demonstrate smart solutions around 7 connecting nodes of the Mediterranean and Scandinavian-Mediterranean Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) corridors between February 2020 – January 2024 to boost a massive e-mobility market take-up in Europe.
Main findings
USER-CHI will unlock the massive potential of electromobility in Europe by:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No [875187]
Policy Conference: "How to get Europe ready for electric trucks and buses?"
The Platform for electromobility and MEP Bas Eickhout organise a debate between policy makers and major stakeholders to discuss the decarbonisation of trucks and buses in the context of the CO2 Standards for heavy-duty vehicles. Register not to miss the opportunity to hear everyone’s position at what will be a crucial moment in the legislative process.
At this Platform’s discussion, we will take a closer look at the proposal and what kind of path it paves to decarbonize trucks and buses.
More information on agenda and speakers will be communicated shortly
Date & Time
23th May 2023
European Parliament
+32 4 78 70 05 48
- 15.30 – Welcoming
- David Keating – Moderator
- Bas Eickhout – MEP, Greens/EFA
- Julia Poliscanova – 2023 Platform Vice-Chair, T&E
- 15:45 – Keynote speaker
- Beatriz Yordi – Director DG Clima , European Commission
- 15:55 – Panel on truck transition
- Jennie Cato – Head of Global Public Affairs at Scania
- Philippe de Carne – CEO at Geodis
- Dirk Jan van de Ruiter – Global Logistics Director at Unilever
- Koen Noyens – Head of Public Affairs at Milence
- 16:45 – Panel on bus transition
- Representative of city authority – TBC
- Karsten Wasiluk – Manager e-bus at Daimler Trucks
- Simone Manca - Head of e-Bus – EnelX
- TBD – German Association of Energy and Water Industries
- 17.15 – Closing remarks
- Bas Eickhout – MEP, Greens/EFA
- 17.30 – Networking drinks and appetizers
Our position on CO2 Standards for HDVs
The revision of HDV CO2 standards should align the CO2 targets for the sector with those of the EU’s overall 55% GHG reduction target in 2030 and the climate neutrality target of 2050.
Advancing smart and interoperable charging infrastructure in Europe and facilitating the mass deployment of electric vehicles while innovating in V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) solutions.
SCALE: Smart Charging ALignment for Europe
Toulouse, Greater Munich Area, Budapest, Debrecen, Oslo, Gothenburg, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Eindhoven
2022 to 2025
AVERE - POLIS - Renault
ABB - Polestar - Hyundai - Sono Motors - VDL - WeDriveSolar - Current - Emobility Solutions - - Enervalis - DBH - Chalmers - FIER - CERTH - Utrecht Universiteit - RISE - UEMI - Elaad Nl- Rupprecht Consult - Trialog - Bayern Innovativ - Gemente Utrecht - Novergian EV Association - LVN - ENEDIS - EQUIGY
Main questions
Explores and tests smart charging solutions for electric vehicles
(EV) for the enhancement of the smart charging infrastructure and the mass deployment of electric vehicles o er an opportunity to decarbonize hand in hand both energy and transport sectors.
Main findings
When EV drivers’ wants and needs regarding V2X technology are analyzed, the results seem to show that financial incentives are important among a majority. Many are also motivated by a renewable energy mix and self-sufficiency.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101056874.
Menorca - Rome - Denmark - Dublin - Prague
2023 - 2024 - 2025 - 2026
AVERE - Enel X Way - E.DSO
IREC - ACEA Energia - Areti - BMW - DTU - EATON - E-distribucion - E-distribuzione - endesa X way - Enel X - Enel - heliox - Maynooth University - RSM Solution - RSE - RWAT Aachen University - Spirii - Terna - TU Delft - Technische Universitat Chemnitz - UCD Dublin
Main questions
While the EU Parliament voted to ban new sales of fossil fuelled cars by 2035, FLOW gives a solid basis to enhance the upcoming mass penetration of EV transportation.
Main findings
FLOW enables and valorises EV flexibility through V2X solutions. Grid congestions are alleviated leading to decarbonization and Renewable Energy System enhancement!
Funded by the European Union
Ten truths about electric trucks and buses
Lice-cycle GHG emissions
Battery electric trucks have the lowest life-cycle GHG emissions
This is true from 16-40t trucks, according to a study by Ricardo Research (2020), which compared emissions of the differing drivetrain technologies based on a WTW approach. The emission-saving potential of electric vehicles (EVs) increase when entirely powered by renewable energy (up to 81%) compared to a fossil-powered alternative as shown by study ICCT (2021) undertaken in passenger cars. As battery-eletric trucks (BETs) have outstanding energy efficiency, lifecycle emissions decrease with every additional kilometre driven, meaning that long-distance trucks have particularly high emission-saving potential.
Energy efficiency
Battery electric trucks offer a dramatic improvement of energy efficiency
BETs offer a dramatic improvement of energy efficiency, i.e. the ability to drive a greater number of kilometres on the same amount of energy. The JRC, EUCAR and Concawe (2020) have updated their joint evaluation of the WTW energy use and Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for a wide range of powertrain options. Considering only zero-emission technologies on Wheel-to-Well (WTW) basis, BETs using green electricity - both regional and long-haul - are 2.6 times more energy efficient than the green hydrogen-powered fuel cell equivalent. Although synthetic fuels were evaluated for cars rather than trucks, as an indication a battery electric car using green electricity is 6.9 times more energy efficient than a combustion vehicle using e-fuel.
GHGs and air pollutant
Battery electric buses do not produce local GHGs and air pollutant emissions
Battery-electric buses (BEBs) do not produce local GHGs and air pollutant emissions, providing considerable health benefits, particularly in cities. Because they are powered by electricity, the higher powertrain efficiency means that BEBs emit 73% less CO2 equivalent than diesels, rising to 90% if powered by 100% renewable sources. In contrast (according to ICCT (2022)),Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) CO2 emissions are nearly 30% lower than a diesel, but its higher energy consumption - 24-50% per kilometre - reduces this advantage. In addition, methane is a potent GHG with a global warming potential more than 80 times greater than CO2 over a 20-year period; unintended leakages during extraction and transport further exacerbate the situation.
BETs will contribute to the further greening of intermodal transport
BETs will contribute to the further greening of intermodal transport, as well as improving the overall energy efficiency of freight logistics. Synergies between rail, road transport and inland waterways are crucial to the logistics system. These offer benefits for the whole supply chain, as intermodal transport helps reduce congestion in urban areas while potentially increasing capacity in and around cities. Tangible examples of intermodal links have been successfully deployed in Paris’ metropolitan area. Companies such as IKEA and Franprix supply stores in Paris are using a combination of electric ships and electric road transport solutions for the last-mile segment.
Electricity grid
With smart grid technologies, the grid would need little adaptation for BETs and BEBs.
With smart grid technologies, the grid would need little adaptation for BETs and BEBs. Uni- and bi-directional charging enables a double optimization of the load at the depot. Optimising the grid connection and allowing the monetisation of the vehicles' flexibility capabilities makes them valuable assets, even when parked: it also provides the grid with supplementary battery capacity. Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) is performed at much lower power levels than in regenerative braking or fast charging.
By 2030, 99.6% of new BETs will be cheaper to own and run than diesel trucks
By 2030, 99.6% of new BETs will be cheaper to own and run than diesel trucks while carrying the same weight of goods over the same distance and journey time, according to a study by TNO (2022). This study is based on the total cost of ownership (TCO), the most important economic indicator for a truck. It covers those deployed in urban and regional delivery over distances of 300 km as well as long-distance trucks travelling 800km/day. Due to the savings from using electricity rather than diesel, the cost-saving potential of BETs increases with every additional kilometre driven, meaning that by 2035, long-distance trucks will be the most cost-efficient solution in Europe.
Investment costs of battery elecric buses
Higher investment costs of BEBs offset by lower electricity consumption and maintenance costs.
Similarly, the higher investment costs of BEBs are offset by their lower electricity consumption and maintenance costs (in Spain and Latin America in 2021 and in Italy, US and UK by 2023). Bocconi University and Enel Foundation (2021) integrated well-known TCO (the initial investment in purchasing vehicles and the charging infrastructure, plus the operational and maintenance costs) with peculiar to BEBs circular economy revenue streams, by the second life of batteries and V2G. This explains why buses are now the fastest-growing zero-emission vehicle segment, making up 23% of new city buses in 2021, up from 16% in 2020. Considering the revenues from V2G and second life, BEBs are more cost effective than diesel and CNG buses.
Urban and regional trucks can already have as much payload capacity as their diesel counterparts
Urban and regional trucks can already have as much payload capacity as their diesel counterparts today, according to a recent study by TNO. While the battery of an electric long-haul truck currently may weigh several tonnes, depending on its size, the so-called 'ZEV weight allowance' grants an additional two tonnes to zero emission trucks on European roads. This, along with improving vehicle energy efficiency and battery energy density, will eliminate any payload loss by the end of the decade, even for long-distance trucks with 800km range.
BETs already have more than sufficient range to cover freight transport routes in Europe
BETs already have more than sufficient range to cover freight transport routes in Europe, something that will continue to improve. With the compulsory 45-minute break every 4.5 hours, and given that they have a maximum permitted speed of 90km/h, trucks will never drive more than 400 km without having to stop. Tesla has begun deliveries of the ‘Tesla Semi’, a clean-sheet design BET with a real-world range of 800km when fully loaded. The EU’s Weights & Dimensions Directive allows ZETs to be increased by two tonnes over that of diesel trucks. This allowance alone already increases the payload-neutral range of electric trucks by over 300km.
Extreme conditions
BETs are as competent as diesel trucks in extreme cold.
BETs are as competent as diesel trucks in extreme cold. In February 2021, Volvo Trucks, ABB and Vattenfall - together with a local mining company - ran a trial on replacing the diesel transport of iron ore with BETs. The ore is taken from a North Sweden mine to the railway transfer station, in temperatures of -30C°. The BETs were used for the journey from the mine to the transfer station where they could unload the cargo while recharging batteries following a 280km round trip normally undertaken by diesel-powered vehicles. The Polar Winter Project proved the feasibility of electric transportation in extreme conditions. The BETs were able to drive the entire distance - including 140km with 14t of ore on board, at temperatures as low as -32C° - while taking the same amount of time as the diesel trucks.
BETÂ Â Â Â Â Â Battery Electric Truck
GHGÂ Â Â Â Â Greenhouse Gas
EVÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Electric Vehicle
WTWÂ Â Â Wheel-to-Well
BEBÂ Â Â Â Â Â Battery Electric Bus
CNGÂ Â Â Â Â Compressed Natural Gas
V2GÂ Â Â Â Â Â Vehicle-to-Grid
HDVÂ Â Â Â Â Heavy-Duty Vehicle
LFPÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Lithium iron phosphate
TCOÂ Â Â Â Â Â Total Cost of Ownership
ZEVÂ Â Â Â Â Â Zero-Emission Vehicle
ZETÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Zero-Emission Truck
JRCÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Joint Research Center