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Advancing smart and interoperable charging infrastructure in Europe and facilitating the mass deployment of electric vehicles while innovating in V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) solutions.


SCALE: Smart Charging ALignment for Europe


Toulouse, Greater Munich Area, Budapest, Debrecen, Oslo, Gothenburg, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Eindhoven


2022 to 2025


AVERE - POLIS - Renault


ABB - Polestar - Hyundai - Sono Motors - VDL - WeDriveSolar - Current - Emobility Solutions - - Enervalis - DBH - Chalmers - FIER - CERTH - Utrecht Universiteit - RISE - UEMI - Elaad Nl- Rupprecht Consult - Trialog - Bayern Innovativ - Gemente Utrecht - Novergian EV Association - LVN - ENEDIS - EQUIGY


Main questions

Explores and tests smart charging solutions for electric vehicles
(EV) for the enhancement of the smart charging infrastructure and the mass deployment of electric vehicles o er an opportunity to decarbonize hand in hand both energy and transport sectors.

Main findings

When EV drivers’ wants and needs regarding V2X technology are analyzed, the results seem to show that financial incentives are important among a majority. Many are also motivated by a renewable energy mix and self-sufficiency.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101056874.